Jan 26, 2014

Glossary unit 4 The european union

Aid: a form of a financialsupport for development. Free movement: the unstricted movement of goods, services, people and capital in a common market.
Cohesion: the act of uniting or ataying together.
Common market: a market based on common policies and the free movement of good, services, people and capital.
Fragmentation: when production processes ocur in different phases, in different places.
Funds: the financial resources used by goverments or political institutions for a specific purpose.
Investmen: the act of using something to achive a goal.
Ombudsman: a goveverment official or body who investigates complaints by private citizens against goverment institutions.
CAP: the Common Agricultural Policy.
CFP: the Common Fisheries Policy.
GDP: the Gross Domestic Product.
HIERACHY: social system in which some people order and the rest obey.
HIGHWAY: large road by where main ground transport goes by from one city to another.
PROFITABLE: something by which you gain some benefits.
SURPLUS: what is left over after producing excessively.
TREATY: a formal agreement between two or more states related to international relations.

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