Dec 1, 2013

Been green one day, we can change a lot of things

Next weekend will begin our community new project. It consists in to clean our neighborhood and parks around the city. Every Saturday we are going to do different activities to help the environment. We are teenagers between 14 and 18 years old who want to change the world reducing pollution. People can be very messy, and they don’t take in to consideration the damage their producing to the environment, or just they don’t know this. So we’re gonna start doing different activities divide in diferent groups. I’ll clean up some parks, and my friend Jared is gonna be in another group. He will teach old people and also young people what can they do to improve their way of recycling. The other group is gonna share out flyers to people in different places, as parks, supermarkets, sports clubs… We hope with these methods to have a cleaner city in which you can play wherever and you won’t be able to see any filth.

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